The 2020 Natty Stories Contest and My College Debt Story

The 2020 Natty Stories Contest and My College Debt Story

I graduated in 2015 with over $33,000 dollars in student debt. That was nearly five years ago…and in 2020 I had $32,000 in debt left to pay. Thanks to the high-interest rates on my loans, I literally was paying off nothing for years.

At the beginning of 2020, my brother Christopher tagged me in an Instagram post done by Scholly. The post was about a Natural Light $1 Million Dollar Student Loan Scholarship that was being offered and he told me to apply. So I did. The scholarship was for $40,000 and would be given out to 25 winners to help pay off their student debt.

There was no question in my mind I needed to apply because who the heck wouldn’t want to pay off their student debt? It would be a dream come true. I quickly headed to the online site and a few weeks later I was accepted into round 2 of the scholarship contest. This portion of the contest included creating a video on why you deserve the scholarship. The question Natural Light asked was “What student debt has done to my life and what I would do if I was debt-free.” For me…this was easy to answer.

On February 19th, 2020 I submitted my entry video. This was the video I made with the help of two of my best friends Mark and Bacari. I sat for days prior planning out everything I wanted to do. One of the main things I wanted to include was how my family and my mother influenced my education. I wanted to show off my creativity, what going to college did for me, and why my student debt was holding me back. When I was done, my video brought an overwhelming amount of emotion over me. (It still does) but this was my final product below.

On March 3rd, I posted my video on Facebook, Twitter, and IG TV. I wanted anyone and everyone to see my story. I waited months and months (pretty much on edge) praying every night that my dream would come true. I prayed every night before I went to sleep that the universe would honor my hard work. My creativity, my strength, and my determination would be rewarded and I just had to keep my faith.

In April my life changed. I never…and I mean never check my hidden Facebook messages…but randomly this day I did. I really don’t know why (maybe God told me too) but I went on my Facebook page and checked to see if I had anything important in this spam message section. To my shock, I had a message from the scholarship organization that I had made it to the third round of the contest and needed to reply to an email. I was happy, nervous, shaking with joy; was this actually happening? I sent an email and then scheduled a ZOOM call for the final round.

Well, during that ZOOM called God answered my prayers. If the title didn’t give it away, my words now sure will. I was one of the 25 winners of the 2020 Natural Light $1 Million Dollar Student Loan Payoff. Yes, me. I didn’t believe it, I cried, I thought it wasn’t real…but it all was. You can see my 5-seconds of fame below.

Thanks to Natural Light and the support of my family, friends, and strangers, I was able to pay off my student loan. I thought I would never feel what it’s like to be debt-free, to be let out of the chains that is loan interest, but I really was.

I wanted to share my story about winning to show others that good things can happen to anyone if you set your mind to it. When I share with people my story a lot of them reply how lucky I am. And don’t get me wrong, I do feel lucky but I also feel like I earned it. I sat for days thinking about how I wanted to share my story(in less than two minutes) and my determination helped me to achieve my dream. I set my mind to conquering the impossible and God guided me to a path most never travel on. I am so thankful to everyone that helped me on this journey and I always remind myself of how proud my mother would be. I hope my story motivates others through the years to go for what they want in life and have faith while doing so. And with that, I shall crack a Natural Light and sign off by saying…thank you again for taking care of my past.

With Love,

Lex Paige

All money won was taxed and put towards paying off my student loan and interest rates.